Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Government Backs HGV Cyclist Safety Improvements

Wow. I wasn't expecting to write that headline. It seems Philip Hammond has given his support to the campaign to fit large vehicles with cameras and sensors to eliminate 'blind spots'. He also waxed lyrical about the Bikeability and Exchanging Places schemes.

It's worth noting, however, that the European Parliament “Written Declaration on heavy goods vehicle collisions” already has the support of 369 out of 732 MEPs, and actual amendments to legislation are down to the European Commission, so it's likely that British government support won't make much difference. It's also worth noting that Bikeability is one of the few programmes that benefit cycling that hasn't been cut. Hammond has done nothing at all of any substance to promote cycling, and plenty (cutting Cycling England, cuts to road safety budgets and speed cameras) that is deleterious. His words on this subject don't do much to alter that record.

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